of others, and that was to take advantage of possibly the only opportunity that [ shall ever nave to introduce a rear admiral, Bob Conard!

That's very nice.


Thank you.

When I finished medical schcol in 1942 I went into the Navy and
spent several years ona cruiser in the South Pacific, and on my
return went out on the Bikini operation and had the very pleasant and
stimulating experience of working under Staff Warren and made some
very valuable lifetime friendships with Frank Fremont-Smith, Wright
Langham and Lauren Donaldson and many others.
During the Bikini operation we realized, as Staff pointed out, that
there were many aspects concerning radioactivity about which we
were ignorant. Because of this we were ultraconservative., I remember very well the bundlesome types of respirators that we forced
the men to wear in offloading ammunition andthe strict precautions
to protect them. Later, in Hawaii when the target ships from the
operation were returning, I was forced to order the sinking of many
beautiful small boats such as Captain Gigs because radioactiv« contamination was considered too high.
Later on, [ had an interesting experience when the Nevada, the
target ship, was sunk by the Navy to test out some weaponry. I was
asked to go along as the radiological safety officer and they insisted
that I go on board with the two gunners mates to get these 1, 500-]b.
bombs wired up, and I pretested saying I would like to see why a
doctor really had to go aleon an operation like this. But they insisted anyway and [ had to hold the wires while they sturfed the pun
cotton into these big sheiis and, of course, in the meantime the destroyer escort went off about thirty miles and stayed off until we
finished the operation. And then later when I saw this ship blowup,
I thanked rny lucky stars that [ had gotten off that safely.
I participated in other atomic tests including Operation Greenhouse
inthe Facific and the Nevada test. I spent several years as Project
Officer at USNRDL and had a fruitful year doing radiobiolopical research with Harvey Patt and Austin Brues at Argonne, In 1954 the
unfortunate fallout accident occurred in the Marshall Islands while I
was stillin the Navy and [was a member of the original medical team
under Dr. Cronkite along with Chuck. Dunham that carried out the original examination of these people.

Select target paragraph3