DASA 2019-2


You are a Harverd alumnus then!


DOBSO?. After hospital training in internal medicine [ went back
to the Berkeley campus, to the Radiition Laboratory, in early 1946
which was not so long after Alamogordo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I did
studies in biophysics, research and teaching in radiobiology, and was
associated with John Lawrence in clinical radioisotope work. In
Ernest Lawrence's Radiation Laboratory, and in the University more
gyeneraily, [had responsibilities in miedical physics ant radiation
prote tion. Then after some twelve years [ went to Geneva, Switzerland,.o work for a year or two—and stayed for ten—wita the World
Healta Organization in radiation hea‘th, radiation medicine, and human genetics, Lhave just returned ‘rom California at the Lawrence
Radiation Laboratory in Livermore, concerned with laboratory research once again, naving spent ample time for the present in international administration which is extremely interesting but ofter a bit
removed from animals and test tubes.


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I suspect we all feel that potential energy is just as real as kinetic
energy. We hope that potential nnucicar war has no such reality, and
that it will never convert. But the compelling interest and importance
of the various related questions are, I think, the reasons many of us
are b
> at these discussions, wha-.ever the details may be.


Jack Schull or, as the clerk at the desk informs me,

Department of Human Genetics, University of Michigan.

As the twenty-first inan on this iwenty-three man totem pole, I
have wondered what remarks I might make which would enter into the
spirit of “can you top this” that prevails! And it seemed to me that
if thee existed an opportunity, it hed to be in the introductions which
others made, aAnd thus as Leo Bust..d was introdu-ing himself I wept
for there but for a single letter, "M" instead of “B,'' might be the
inheritor of a Norwegian fish hook fortune;

and, as Stafford Warren

was describing the social responsibilities that rested on his shoulders
in 1943, L could commiserate becauss that year saw me on Guadacanal
and subsequently on Bougainville with a gun and much the same feeling
of social responsibility. When Bob Miller introduced himself [ rejoiced in the shared memories of some very happy years in Japan;
and finally as Frank Fremont-Smith spoke of the dent that this conference would mate,


in view of the way we are fed and

beveraged, that a bulge rather than 1 dent was the more likely outcome, But there was an alternative to this play on the introductions

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