Then I became very much interested inthe World Federation for
Mental Health that yack Millet mentioned, This was or is a nongovernmental inteznational voluntary agency which relates all the
branches of science that decal with human relations in a conjoipt way,
triew to bring these to bear upon the problems facing humanity and
works very closely with the Heoonaniuic and Suctal Couneil, with the
World Health Orvanization and with UNESCO.

At the time thit the

International Atomic Agency was established mn Vienna,
to our attention that there were emotional problems,

it was drawn

roental healta

problemas, associated with the peaceful use of atomic energy in ters
of panic reactions, in terms of accidents, in terms of protection
against accidents and social behavior in response, The World Federation for Mental Iealth established an international committee
which made a report which went to the Agency,

where it probably

could net be found, and also to the World Health Orpanization,


dealt with some of the human relations problems associated with the
establishment of peaceful use of atomic ereryy ona worldwide scate,
Well, this, plus my very deep interest in conferences, in dialogue
and in the essential need of human beings to relate theniaelves to one
another, has been the basis of my special interest whicn led me here,
and I'm very pleased that you, Jelle, got going and stirred this thing
up with Or, Taylor and John and made it possible for the whole thing
to come about.

UPTON: Um Art Upton, [did my undergraduate work at the Univeraity of Michigan, ard went on there to complete medicine, After
graduating from medical school, [took a residency ia pathology and,
as Il was winding up in residency, received an invitation from facob
Furth to join him at Car Ridge to help him with some stucties on the

pathologic effects of radiation on eaperimental animals, [went downs
there assuming that it would be for a couple of years, and arrived
there about the same time that a big batch of animals came in from
Euiwetok, where they had been exposed te an experimental nucleat
detonation, It turned out that Jake left Oak Ridge before the experiment was comnicted, I stayed onto finish it up, meanwhile started
other tninys, and I've been at it ever «ince, I suppose that's why
I'm here today.
‘DOBSON: Lam Lowry Dobson, [have always feit that [wc uld
have benefited + ery much trom having gone to Harvard Coles or
having studied at Harvard. [eiidn't; but Lwas conceived in Cambridge.
Massachusetts! [Laughter’ {ase born in Peking, China, and eudied
medicine at the University of California,


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