DASA 2039-2

{ graduated from Harvard Medical School, I never did pet through
either Harvard College or MIT, both of waich I sort of indulged in.
Then I war trained in neurology. While working at the Massachusetts
General Huspital in neurology, [needed sume extra typing to be done
and my chemist,

Mary Dailey,

now Mrs.

Rod Irvine,

said she would

get somebody that would be willing to do some typing to come in the
next morning at nine o'clock.

So the next morning L went to my lab-

oratory at nine o'clock and, to be sure, there was a young woman
there but, unfortunately, you practically couldn’t see her because
she vas completely enveloped in the arma of a 6'4" young man, and
this was my introduction to Staff Warren and his lovely wife, Vi, who
hadn't seen him for three days and found herself in his arms! { Laughter] So, this waa a very special occasion and it's been a continuing
association of great joy.


And it's marked us both ever since! [Laughter]

FREMONT-SMITH: Then, in nevrology [ became interested in
psychosomatic problemas, emotional factors influenctng physiological

behavior of human beings amd animals.

In 1936 [ joined the Josiah

B, Macy, Jr. Foundation and became what they call a philanthropotd
and thia was Feed Kocppel's term. Fred Kocppel was thefurmer
president, the late president, of rhe Carnegie Corperation., He said
that he felt that Foundation executives, poor lonely creatures that
they are, deserve some special form of appellation and suggested
they should be called philanthropoids. Why? Because. he eaid, they

acted like phijanthropists but with sormebody else's money! {Laughter}

So Lacted like a philanthropist with the Macy Foundation money for
some twenty-four years and altogether had a very interesting tame in
that relationship,
A couple of things bore on the present situation,

in the most unusual pusitions,

(did find myself

In one of them, as Staff mentioned, |

was out at Bikini, and after [ came back from Hikini, through an absolute fluke which f won't have time to explain, the Macy Foundation,
which already had be-n holding conferences in which I was very much
interested, was asked by the Department of State, the Department of
State no less, to hold a series of conferencce on human relations insights coming from psychiatry, psychology, sociology, and cultural
anthropology, and on how thease might he used by the Department of
State. This was a very interesting process and led nowhere in the
long run because of the McCarthy era which followed not long afterwards,


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