Atomic “nergy Commission, and what they're doing in NSF and a few
of the other agencies might contribute to some of the answers.


don't know whether they wall solve the problem but they might contribute to the solution,



Whydon't you keep right on, Juha?

I was enjoying


Like Mr. Spear, I'm well aware that the year 1932 was not really
a vintage year! [Laughter] Ll was one of three people added to the
staff cf the University of Washington that year, and if you are assoCiated with a university at this time, you are well aware of the difference between the depression years and the present, when university appointments are made aimost every day. LIhave been at the
University for many years, with a few detours such as working with
Dr, Warren on many of the projects and programs that he initiated
in the field of atomic energy. We started our work together in 143,
with the objective of developing an evaluation program to measure
the impact of the operations of the Hanford Works on the Columbia
River. Of course, asa ‘fish farmer [ was particularly interested
in the Columbia River, for this gigantic stream was our best fish
‘farm,'' Five species of Pacific salmon use the stream during their
early life span and then after a sojourn in the sea, come bach to ite
cool water to spawn and reproduce, You can irnagine my consternation when the carly discussions projected estimates that billions of
calories of heat and thousands of curies of radiation would be added
tothe river. To make matters worse, Dr. Warren insisted that we
should have all of the answers that normally would take a lifetime to
get, with luck, but he wanted thern ‘right now, ”

You almost did it on time, too!


DONALDSON: Duringthe war years we were ableto pretty well cstablish dose measurements of acute radiation for a varicty of aquatic
forms. With the termination of the war, we assumed that we could
go back to teaching school and "farming fish. Again Dr. Warren
had other ideas and invited us to take part in Operstion Crossroads,
with the nice casy agaignment of evaluating the radiation from the
weapons tests as it drifted over a major part of the Pacific Ocean,
Dr. Conard was a4 member of our little group operating with LCVPs
and other smal) landing craft as we attempted to plot the radiation
field in Rikini lagoun,

Select target paragraph3