
DASA 2019-2

problems of mankind are probably not going to te solved in the laboratory; that the basic problem is howpeople can get along, how they can
live with each other. There are laboratories of psychology and the
whole world is a laboratory in one sense. Hut inthe ordinary test
tube laboratory [think you can oniy go so far, and with that I will
step aside and let John Wolfe pick up. He came little iater than I
did in this game, but not much.

The same day you took over as Director, I think.
Yes, sure.

WOLFE: [don't have such an illustrious history as these other
distinguished gentlemen. I was a professor of botany at Ohio State
University in 1955,

Were you sort of born professor of botany?

WOLFE: Well, [ worked up to it, Doctor, For fifteen years 1
worked to the place where [ could have two classes a year with graduate students and then I went to Washington for two years, I came
to the Commission at the same time that Chuck took over as Director
and I’ve nad a decade of happy years in the ecological program there,
Ithink mostly because of his broad view that science is not going to
solve everything in this vale of tears, [I've never heard him express
it that way before, but have had a feeling from time *to time that he
did look beyond the little fences of science, Whereas, [ suppose, I
was supposed to be a scientist at the university, I'm pretty sure [
stepped across the fence from time to time both in class and in research, At any rate, it was a considerable jump from the classroom
1o Washington. I hope. before [ retire, to find out what the hell

Washington is all about, but it's coming slowly!

[Laughter] I was

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always a siow learner and maybe in another ten yeara ['J]l make it.
We're interested in the ecological aspects of nuclear energy in
whatever form and through whatever use. {think I have never said
it before in public but IL have never claimed that ecology is a sophisticated science, like you fellows that carry things out to six or eight
decimal places, You even have got me talking about my thirty- second
wedding anniversary as 2°! {laughter] But it's a discipline or a
point of view or an attitude that mankind had hette~ face up to in the
next decade, or maybe he's gota quarter of a century, but he's ina

hell of a mecs nowand [think what we're doing in ecology, in the

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