DASA 2019-2

The following year. £947, we went back to Bikini to evaluate the
biological impact of the radioactivity on all of the living forms there
aad returned ayain following subsequent weapons tests in 1948, 1750,
1952, 1954, 1956, and 1958, In 1962 we went to Christmas Island and
studied the effects of the fallout in that area,
One of the mast exhausting and traumatic experiences of any of our
Pacific experiences was in 1954, following the Bravo shot. We were
asked by the State Department to goto Japan to try to quiet the fears
o( the Japanese people, which resulted from the Fukuryu Maru incident, and to help to persuade them to resume fishing and, more important, to continue eating fish.
During this time there were a few interludes with trips ta the Nevada testing ground. where again we had some interesting assigamenss,
One was to collect rattlesnakes so that we might measure their uptake
of radioactivity, On one such assignment I wae really ‘holding the
bag" for one of our co-workers who wax to pula live rattlesnake into
it. This would not have been such an unpleasant task except that he
was holding the anake by the tail, and as he waved it around, my

hands provided a fine target to strike at.

Did you do that experiment”


What happened’



To the rattlesnake?

To the bag’

DONALDSON: I decided [ should hold him by the tail and let somebody else hold the bag.
servable effect.



What happened to the anakes?
Ag soaften is the case, there was no ob-

Nothing noticeable’

No, nothing at all,

Select target paragraph3