provide semi-permanent quarters and utilities for 660 military
personnel on Eniwetok Island.

In addition to this semi-permanent

group of buildings provision should be made on Eniwetok Island for
a tent camp to house drone plane personnel and other groups involved
in the operation for short times only.



Eniwetok to Oahu
The services are requested to furnish, install, maintain and
operate the radio equipment required for the operation.


permanent buildings and the required utilities for this com=
munication link will be provided by the AEC.

All inter-island comminication, except that required to be radio
type during shot periods, will be by means of submarine cable,
and these cables shall interconnect the headquarters islands
and all islands of the atoll on which any scientific installations occur.

In addition, telephone buoys shall be installed

off shore from the headquarters islands.


Movement of Personnel and Cargo.

ZI to Forward Area
It is considered necessary for the operation that personnel time
be conserved and that personnel be transported by airlift.


cargo, except that urgently required, will be transported by ships.

The scientific operation requires inter-island transportation by
boats between all of the islands of the atoll involved in the
operation, and by liaison aircraft between the islands of Eniwetok,

Parry, Runit, Bijiiri and Ingebi.

Select target paragraph3