photography will be required.


Control Station.
A common firing control center, located at a safe distance from the
shot islands is required.

This site must be manned during the



Animal Colony.
A requirement of the Medical-Biological group is for the establishment of an animal colony and associated laboratories at =niwetok

Part of these installations must be available 1 December

1949 and the remainder 1 September 1950.

It is expected that the

animals shall become accustomed to the South Pacific climate by the
time the shots are made.


Living and Headquarter Sites.
In order to expedite the scientific work program living quarters
are considered necessary on the shot island sites and at the site
of the scientific operations headquarters.

Each shot island camp

must house an estimated two hundred people and should be temporary
in nature since it will be destroyed by the blast.

In addition

it was decided to use Parry Island for the headquarters for all
4rc snerations, and semi-permanent living quarters for 600 personnel
and temporary quarters for 200 personnel at peak load periods is

All utilities on Parry should be semi-permanent in con-

struction, requiring only a minimum of maintenance during the
interim periods between tests.

Likewise, wherever practical it was

specified that utilities for the shot island work camps be made semipermanent in nature, installed in bomb-proof shelters where practical.
Since the assistance of the military services is required in all
such test operations as these, it was decided that the AEC should

Select target paragraph3