and that the Eniwetok Atoll should continue to be used.
On 20 April 1949 the Commission approved the recommendations submitted
for an operation plan and construction program, and it thus became possible
to define the scope of the work to be carried out by the contractor.

The plan

approved by the Commission provides for tests to be conducted in 1951 as well
as one additional test operation.

The definitive contract between the AEC and Holmes and Narver was for-

mally approved by the middle of June 199.
an a generalway, it is planned that the scientific tests shall be conducted as a shore based operation.

This implies that all persons involved

in the operation, in so far as is practical, shall be quartered either on the
shot islands or the headquarter islands of Eniwetok and Parry.

One exception

to the above arrangement is currently seen to be the bomb assembly operation,
and this will be carried out aboard a ship of the USS Curtis, AV-l, type.
Specifically, the scientific requirements for the tests are enumerated
below, and it is from these requirements and the recommendations contained

in the 7 January 1949 Holmes and Narver Survey Report that the construction
program has been formulated.


Detonation Sites.
It is planned to detonate three weapons on 3X0-foot Towers in the

spring of 1951, on a 15 day schedule.

The sites chosen, in order

of detonation, are Ingebi, Aoman and Runit.

Photographic Station Sites.
Two photographic sites, one approximately 2 miles north and one
approximately 2 miles south of each of the shot towers will be

In addition to the land photography, certain aerial

Select target paragraph3