Eniwetok, at which point existing cables are inoperative.

Field forces

are operating effectively with a radio link until repair replacement can
be effected.

Field surveys and acquisition of construction plant facilities have
proceeded in accordance with schedule.
The Reconnaissance Report limits the feasibility of aircraft operation
to L-5 types.

The successful placing in production by the Air Forces of

the L-13 has enabled field forces to place such planes in operation with
added efficiency due to their greater passenger carrying capacity within
the air strip limitations that exist.
Certain alternate recommendations were made on page V-25 as to concrete

That portion of the recommendations pertaining to the use of

coral may now be considered firm.
The recommendation in the Reconnaissance Keport, page V-28, that special
testing laboratory vrocedures be authorized has been accomplished and is in
progress through the services of the Physical Testing Laboratory of the Corps
of Engineers in Los Angeles.

In addition, our own testing personnel have

been engaged in analysis of actual soil samples obtained from the Site, which
will lead to design mixes for both concrete and paving.

An advance base type

of Field Testing Laboratory is expected to be installed during Phase I at
the Project Site for the purpose of construction control.

On page V-35 alternate recommendations as to Air Transport between
commercial and military resources were made.

During conferences at CINCPA,

during the week of 6 June 1949, the personnel movement forecast by schedules

attached hereto, during the Fy-1950 were committed by MATS and commercial

Select target paragraph3