not rise quite so sharply or be of such short duration.

As was anticipated by the comment in Section V, page 7, the
schedules must be more or less regularly revised to meet changing
conditions, delivery dates, etc.

‘de have revised all logistic

schedules shown in the Reconnaissance Report, and have additionally
made them more effective by the development in considerable more

detail for FY-1950.

These schedules are attached hereto.

The sequence of operations outlined in the Reconnaissance Report,
Page V-7, contemplated construction first on Parry Island, then

Eniwetok, followed by other Islands.

This has been modified,

placing construction on Eniwetok lower in the sequence of operations
due to: .

(1) Ultimate military requirements on Eniwetok are not yet firme

(2) The introduction of Japtan Island as added scope of activity
was placed on time’ schedule which required a high priority.
Procurement as predicted in the Reconnaissance Report has been approached primarily through the National Military ustablishment, and the
principal tonnage of construction equipment has been furnished by transfer
to the Project under fiscal agreements separately executed.
The off-loading of ships is being handled in accordance with the prediction of the Reconnaissance Report and is successful within the limitations
of the Site.

Supplementing the facilities referred to in that Report, how-

ever, six (6) LCT's were requested from and supplied by CINCPAC, which materially facilitated this operation.
The temporary communication recuirements within the Atoll have been
accomplished, with the exception of the connection between Parry and


Select target paragraph3