successfully in coral of the type found on the lagoon side of the Eniwetok
group of islands.

In view of this it is plarned to construct the piers by

driving creosoted wood piles in

pile bents about 12 feet on center.

Freight piers are planned with aT shaped end in order to provide docking
space for a LCT at the end of the pier.

This type of pier will have the

advantage of additional strength and space for cargo handling at the end of
the pier.

Where feasible the new pier will be constructed alongside of

the existing piers in order to take advantage of protection afforded by the

The pile driver will build out from the shore and will be supported

by piling working progressively toward the outer end.

In this way the con-

struction work will not interfere with the existing piers, leaving them
available for freight handling during construction.
In order to put the existing piers in shape to use while new piers are
being built it is anticipated that use will be made of steel plates now
available on Eniwetok,

These plates will be laid on both sides of the pre-

sent coral fill and tied together.

Fill will then be placed to provide a

level deck.


Select target paragraph3