The purpose of this section is to comment briefly on decisions reached
and progress made within the planning structure projected in the basic Reconnaissance Report of 7 January 19,9, and is intended to be used in conjymction
with that Report.

For planning purposes the project was divided into five (5) phases.
These are defined in Section V of the Reconnaissance Report.

As a result of

a request by the Atomic Energy Commission for military assistance during
Phase I, the Chief of Naval Operations, in a letter dated 31 December 198,
directed the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific to extend all practical assistance.

In the series of conferences during the week of 12 January 199 at CINCPAC,
working agreements were set up which established the function of CINCPAC in
certain particulars of logistics and administration.

By the authority of

this command, COMWESEAFRON was named as West Coast contact for Holmes & Narver
in the military air and ship transport of personnel and things.


conferences at that Headquarters and by delegation from COMWESEAFRON, the
Port Director, Long Beach, was established to clear civilian personnel for
travel, and as an entry and departure point for radio communication in the
military network.

Satisfactory working arrangements were established with

all agencies concemed.
Decision by the Atomic Energy Commission to proceed with subsequent
phases outlined in the basic Reconnaissance Report was made on 21 April, 199.
Planning conferences followed with Laboratory representatives and site planning
and engineering studies were sufficiently advanced that a budget analysis and

Select target paragraph3