drying and heating of aggregate is required and protected storage of
screened coral is necessary after it leaves the crusher and drying plants.

Eniwetok and Parry Islands do not require this type of pavement and
the use of MC3 oil is indicated for such roads, airstrips and paved areas
are required.
Due to the light traffic on Japtan it is considered necessary to do
only light blading to grade such roads as may be required.
Excepting for the required paving of roads, airstrips and Zero Tower
area it is planned to plant Bermuda and Australian crab grass to stabilize
the soil.
This cover grass will be used on all islands, where the loose soil
presents an undesired problem, although not as extensively as on the experiment islands.
The location of proposed causeway between Biijiri and Rojoa as des-=
eribed in the Reconnaissance Report remains unchanged but the method of
construction differs from the various methods described therein.
Due to the development of efficient pile driving methods in coral
shelf areas it is now planned to use a method similar to the pier construce=
tion described hereinafter.
Besides being more economical than other methods contemplated the pile
bents will not interfere with the free flow of currents and does not re=
quire the extensive quarry operations to provide necessary coral rock for
a fill type causeway.

It has recently been determined that wood piles can be driven


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