by pumping through underground lines to the Diesel power plant and the

Laundry boiler plant.

Diesel oil will be transferred by truck to the tess

Hall boiler plant and to the boat fuel storage tank located on-shore ad-

jacent to the Freight Pier.

Fuel will be transferred to boats by pumping

from this storage tank to two boat fuelers located on the Freight Pier.
Motor gasoline will be transferred by truck to a Service Station storage tank
located adjacent to the Motor Repair Shop and will be dispensed to vehicles
by means of two metering service-station type gasoline pumps.
On Eniwetok Island fuel handling facilities will, in general, be similar
to those described for Parry Island.

will be received from tankers.

In addition, 115/15 aviation gasoline

Incoming motor gasoline and 115/1)5 aviation

gasoline will be received through the same h-inch submarine line by degrading
a metered portion of aviation gasoline to motor gasoline storage tanks to
prevent decontamination of aviation gasoline.

be provided for 115/15 aviation gasoline.

A truck loading stand will

73 and 80 aviation gasoline will

be received and stored in dmms.

It is desired to have an asphaltic concrete pavement for the area
within a 1000 foot radius of the Zero Towers.

This pavement would be 3 inches

thick for the inner 00 foot radium and 13 inches thick for the remainder of
the 1000 foot radius.
As this area comprises approximately 90% of all paving on experiment
islands it is considered advisable to use the same type for all other paving
operations on these islands.

This then would include roads, airstrips and

living quarters area.
A complete hot mix plant will be constructed but so built that the com-

ponent parts can be readily moved on T boats to other islands.



Select target paragraph3