Pursuant to authorization contained in a letter from Mr. Carroll L. Tyler,
Manager, Santa Fe Operations Office, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, to Holmes

& Narver, dated 16 September 1918 and in accordance with the general plan set
forth in Section I of the Reconnaissance Report, representatives of Holmes &
Narver and J Division visited the Eniwetok Atoll from

October to 17 October

1948 for the purpose of making a survey of existing conditions at the project

Site and cve-ared the Reconnaissance Report dated 7 January 19.9, which Report
formed the basis of the design and construction program set up.

To avoid un-

necessary duplication references are made throughout this Supplemental Report

to the Reconnaissance Report of 7 January 19,9.
Since the preparation of the Reconnaissance Report circumstances have
caused some changes in procedure as well as basic changes in criteria.


fore, those changes which have been made will be the principal subject of
this Report.
A detailed report of the findings of the field survey trip will be found
in Section II of the Reconnaissance Report.
The statement of criteria as set forth in Section III has been changed
to some extent and amplified due to developments in planning for the scien-

tific aspects of the operation since January 199.
It is now contemplated that only three islands will be used for tests,
these islands being those which were used during the Operation Sandstone and
are Engebi Island, Aomon Island and Runit Island.

The fourth test location

referred to in the Reconnaissance Report located on Bogallua Island has been

Select target paragraph3