eliminated from consideration other than the possibility of laying submarine
cable to this island at the same time other cable laying operations are going
In addition to the use of these islands for tests, Aomom Island and
Runit Island will be used for Photo Tower locations as well as Aniyaanii
and the Coral Head location in the lagoon.

There will be additional Photo

Tower locations for stereoscopic photography.
as follows:

These are planned to be located

Two towers on Teiteiripucchi; one tower on Bokonaarappu; two

towers on Piliraai; and one tower on the sand spit south of Runit Island approximately two miles distant from Runit zero.
An animal colony and associated laboratories will be located on Japtan
Island with living quarters for personnel necessary to maintain the animal

colony and participate in the Medical-Biological test program.
Living facilities will be provided in several locations in the Atoll.
The principal AEC facilities will be located on the headquarters islands of
Parry and Eniwetok.

It is now contemplated that there will be approximately

4hO scientists and 220 operating personnel housed in semi-permanent living
quarters on Parry Island with temporary quarters for 200 additional personnel
at peak load periods.

Semi-permanent quarters and utilities will be provided

on Eniwetok Island for 660 military personnel.

In addition a tent camp will

house personnel involved in the operation for short times only.

There will

also be complete semi-permanent facilities for approximately 150 personnel on
Japtan Island, and on or adjacent to each of the experiment islands there will
be a tent camp to house approximately 320 personnel, 100 quartered two to a
tent, and 220 men quartered four to a tent.
Engebi Island,

These camps will be located on

Rojoa Island and Runit Island.

The camps on these islands will

also be used by construction personnel during the period of construction of

Select target paragraph3