
GlD.Ted Srea po escuresdisian

‘tine differcnse, an2 thangucter date. ‘Step watch data rere not eonsidered reliable,

firebscli 2iics ong belcphons syste pPreeuced no ucablo reetits, end all eveilcblo.
este ed nob suppers an estdnate with the desired degrae of accurety, Frolicinary

reports, supplemented by lator reports using letor data and rovised values, and
gencrelly censlnuding in estinstes ef


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were xaade for the




Daring the CASTIE progrem one Yatalisy within Task Group 7.1 occurred

wnen Ur. Robert D. Englend, a civilian enrioyee of the University of California,

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, died as result of an eccidert while working with
electronic eguimzcat.

In an effort to repeir an escillescope in a trailer at


Bildini Atoll en 17 Peb 5h, he was accidentally subjected to a charge of elestricity
‘(110 v) which was instantly fatal,

A complete investigetion ras made at the site

by a board of ofMccors end sivitians > and findings were reported to CIG 7a

It is of interest to ncte that insofar as is Imem, caly seven

ether incidents of operational exergency nature occurred during the operation
In only one of these did injuries cccur, and none directly affected operations
or personnel of T 7.1.

These incidents are contained in reports of appropriate

Task Groups and are in brief as follows:


(34) JP=-8305, Subj: A very Preliminary Report on the Results oAiQnn
Shot, 1, Hay 54, SECRET RD
(35) JF~7758, Subj:AMEE,Somas7 of Present Tats, 22 Apr 5h, SECRET ED

(26) JF=-7810, Subj: Preliminary Report of Results QM 27 Apr 54, Size RD

(37) JPA6135, Subj: Revised Rydrcdynamte Tick,QMMMB2vey 54, sooner ep
(28) Jr-3136, Subj:

(39) JF-8022, Subj:

Revised Hydrodynamic

(L0) Fe7953, Scbj:




P8164, Sudj7ae

dF£250, Subise

- 8 Vay Sky SESEET 20

1 Yay 54, SECRET RD

Shot, 3 Mey 54, SECRET RD

Tzeld as of 25 Apr 54, 27 Apr 5h
Srmmiry of Prolininsry DatB; 2 May 54 SECRET RD
Ficld by anclycical Sclstion

SO PPG-L, 19 Feb 54, Eq 16 7.1, Appointing Beard of Ins iry.

(44) Ra. TG 7.1, 4PO 187 (HO%), Subj:
end C4ivildans. 18 Feb 54

Report of Ineestigatioa of Board of Officers

Select target paragraph3