00) 1SEB cc Stell.


tee felioving

Dalsy eculd bo minimisad ty revisisg weetzer erise ris, thereby

accepting the penstdiliss of a vignificest Zali-cut en Enivetos;


Sinse Perry and Exiwetok Islanis now hed a population of

azpproninstely 4890, pause essential fecilitie., the logistical probles of an

evecusticn would be very greet.

Various alternates were discussed, but no

ecrclueions were reacted, otber then thet the shot should not be fired if
predictions indicated eny real risk of significant fall-out on Eniwstek.



Revised Estinetes

1. Several reports compiled during this period reflested revised



estizates of yields, in the licht and other post-shot data. .

Select target paragraph3