
Cn 12 April a helicesscr rede an cxengensir Longs: gen the recl -

et the wast end ec? Forrz Iclend, oad burnta, vith total lece ef circrag. and
cinor injury to posts iccrs.


Ca 4 Hey en LCVP from USS LEO srimped in Eniwetek legocn.


a@ search by bosts and aircraft, its three porsoznal were Found flosting in the
iasoon at abeut 2350 heurs.


On 3 Hay an M bost took a DUKand 13 rerzecas to en Eniwetok

Island 2cr a security sweep.
wera picked up by heliscpter.

lIcter, the DUEW exhausted its fael and the poople .
The VM beat had trouble rith jammed ramp, and ate

travted to rovurn to Enixetok in reverse, After search by bects and aircraft,
the & beet mene

found near Entietok at 2340.


At Pilot, one helicopter andes an emciconsy landing, effected

minor repairs, and resumed the flight.

Cne CH47 shuttle flight carrying passexscrs to Bilcini had one

‘engine fail shertly after takeof? fron EnSvetok, retusred and landed safely.

f, Approxinstely three hours aftcTUE: t70
F-64 samplers were forced down and landed successfully en the Enimzan strip at
Pitrind, which fortunstely had less then the expected amcunt of centamination and

debris, After minc> repairs ami clearing of the airstrip, they took off success=fully two days later.

g. About tro hour tro F-cis cere forced to land on
Exivetok during axtrencly unfevorable weether.

In heary rain, visibility about

one quoster mile and coiling two hundred fest.

Successful landings were made

tath miner dazace to ane eireref.

Select target paragraph3