It was called Program 4, "Bic-tiedical Studies", reject 4.1, "Study of itespense of
Human Beings kLxposed to Significant beta and Gaima hadiation Due to Fell-dut fren
High Yield l.eapons", under tle Cirection of iugene P. Cronkite, Cadr, ys;:(43) Porsonnel,
. approxinately 20, were principally radiological npecialists from haval Ledical establishnents, and were brought to Kwajelein on a few days notice.

CTU-8 provided photo-

graphic docunentation(+) Other 1G 7.1 personnel «erticinated in survey flights to
several of the Marshall and Gilbert islands to deSermine the extent of contaminatian,
investigating water, soil, husans, animals, and fovl from a radiological viewpoint.
(45) (46)(47)(48) (49)

progras. 19 collected rarine specimens, in response to a request

from the Division of Biology and Kedicine, atc’°°) iy @ xarch it appe:red that the
natives under observation had displayed no syr;*.-sof permanent radiation effects,
were in satisfactory physical condition with very zood morale.

on Krajelein under continued close observation.

‘ihey were maintained

Kesults of Project 4el studies will

be detailed in preliminary, progress, und final reports.

(43) TU-13-54-31S Hq TU-13 to CDR Cronkite, 8 kar 54
(44) TX JF~7055, to AFSUP from CTG 7.1, Apr 0502332, SLCRLT

TCX JP-4358, Graves to lugher, March 0305304, CONF

(46) OX JP=4578, Graves to Bugher, March 00338, SECKIT’ RD(47)

Reports attached to JiF-7 5-3/729 3,48 Mar, J-3/370/05, 9 Apr 5h

(48) TX JF-6934, for Cronkite fron V-13, Apr 0204526, CONF

(49) Tix JF~7055, For AFSii from CTG 7.1, Apr 0502334, SiChET
(50), iV.X bugher to CJIF-7, arch 1922233


Select target paragraph3