

Previous plins were developed, including fecilities on the

SS ESTLS, for operations afloat.

a description of the i’AHnY-LVIN «li radioteletype

service was published’? cons2ining a schedule and instructions for preparing and

. handling messages.

Hours of operation were established as rejuired » during peak

periods, 24 hour operation every day was the rule.

%:.ch message vasdelivered by

phone or radio as soon as possible, with the usual precautions for classified matter’

Functions of TG 7.1 conmunications afloat were published? 2) describing IX processing,
mail processing, with points of receipt and dispatch, and naming personnel who were

authorized to release TX messages.

Certain precautions, such as the ban on release:

of messages containing any "results" inforzsation of scientific n-ture without prior

approval of Dr. Ogle, were eaphasized.

After BRAW, most Bikini communications

facilities remained afloat\?3Jand necessary adjustments were quickly made.


‘The loss

of the TG 7.1 teletype circuit after BRAVO had a serious effect, and placed a heavy
loud on the TG 7.1 voice radio circuit between the atolls, which wes originally
planned mostly for emergency back-up service.

Use of the voice circuit was confined

to unclassified messages, although use of prearranged code words made it possible,

within limitiations, to transmit classified information, A new radio net at Bilini
was established for TU-7, using military equipment on the four larger ships and the
nad-Safe barge.

the 1G 7.1 HF voice net transmitteron iNYU contimed its operation,

triggered by equipment on ESTLS.

After the LNINUAN airstrip resumed operations, the

dispatcher ‘there used small portable equipment.

Several changes in the radio and

_ Yadioteletype systems will be described in the final report of the TG 7.1 Communications




(51) JF-3461, 1G 7.1 Eniwetok-Likini Teletype Circuit, 4 Feb 54, CUO
- (§2)

JF-4861, TG 7.1 Commnications and Nail Service During Operations Afloat,


TX JF-4603, to Hooper from Curry, March 0421463, OUO


9 Mar 54, CUO


J¥~4901, Lessaze Precedence, 10 Lar 54, Confidential

Select target paragraph3