«12 «
After eiscussing possible yicld and recent experiences, it was cacided that no aircraft
would be placed closer to zel'o point than in BK:VO.

Positions for effects aircraft _

participating in KOON were ernounced on 31 xareh$7® ) locating B47 anda B36 aircraft.

Immediately after BH.VO event, considerable enphasis was placed on the recovery

_of equipment, material, and ;ersonal effects from the Bikini camps as Soon as ridio=
logical conditions would perrit.

‘ithin a few days a number of laboratory trailers

had been returned to iniwetok and parked in the Administration Corpound as planned.

However, their radioactivity became inmediately evident, creating exanations of
sufficient strength to cause serious difficulty for the nearby counting laboratory.
Upon request by 5-69 trailer park with power fecilities was established just north
of the Parry airstrip, in a relatively isolated area, ani was used for storage of
trailers that were sufficiently contaminated to affect other facilities.


Bio-edical Studies:

For obvious reasons this project was not included in any

operations plan prior to bHAVO.

Jmmediately after the SHAVO detonation, the presence

of a fall-out or much greater radioactivity than expected was reported from hongerdk,
hongelap, Utirik and other atolls east und soutn of Bikini. All weather personnel and ~

natives, about 100 natives from hongelap and 17 from Utirik, were evacucted by TG 7.3
craft and taken to nwajelein “py 4 March for radiological safety and for observation

and treatment. ‘he value of conducting a study of the accidentally exposed people
ard areas was evident, am in response to a request from APSWP including an offer of
financial assistance, 1)ana epproved by Oya SEVER(42), new program was originated

within TU-13.

TWX JF-6817 Lstes from Hooper DIG Larch 3101004 SECAET |


JF-1824,, Trailer Parikirg Requirenente, ELMER, 8 Kar 54, OUO

(40) THX JFo4358, Graves to Bugher, ALC, Narch 0205303 CONF
(41) WX, Chief AFSWP to CJTF=7, March 0519272
(L2) Ti, CJTF-7 to Chief ArSVF, March 0605452

Select target paragraph3