


Safety precautions, emergenc;” procedures and directions pertaining to sacple cargo .
and passengers were also discussed.

An appendix listed additional estails pertaining

to individual flights. Helicopter requirenents were described in a separate paper‘? )with a detailed schedule.

Another paper listed identities of persons to be contacted

at destinations of sample flights$32)
. to be used ; rior to each detonation.

J-3 composed a voice bivadcast of time increments
A script accepted on 30 January22) contained the

wording and timing, and named the places of origin at Iniwetok and Bikini.

After \

slisht changes ‘24 )(34)it vas used, with a tape recording of the script being broadcast
during the last fifteen minutes before ecch detonation.

Conclusions reached at the Aircraft Positioning meeting held at LASL on

21 Decenber were distributed 14, Jan 51,67 ) covering the use of various types of air-

eraft, and the technical viev's connected therewith.

At a later meeting‘?at PPG,

final positioning for those participating in bh.VO was determined. At another meeting

(37) in Hq TG 7.1, safe positioning for aircraft participating in KOSED was considered.

(30) JF-3852, TG 7.1 H-19 Helicopter sup, ‘ort Requirecents for iniwetok Atoll.
13 Feb 54,


(31) JF-4053, Sample heturns, 19 Feb 54, OUO

(32) JF=3321, Voice Time uroadcast, 30 Jan 54, CONF
(33) JF=3445, Letter of ‘iranamittal, 4 Feb 54, C-NF
(34) JF-6236, Voice Time Hroadcast, 30 har 54, CONF

(35) JF-3069, Aircraft Fositioning Leeting, VU, Jan 54 SuChbT, KD

(36) JF-4s12, Aircraft safe Positioning Meeting, 20 Feb 5h, SECKET KD

(37) JP-4695, Safe Focitions for Jircraft in Vicinity
6 Mar 54, SECRET RD


Select target paragraph3