ay receiving antenna. The 2 microsecond Jelay line was adiei to permit the leading edge of the waveform to be recordel, In order to establish a definite time relationship between the reception of the signal and the triggzering of a given device such as a counter or transmitter, a time marker pip, generated by the delay trigger from one of the oscilloscopes, is fed through the 2 microsecond delay line and superimposed on the initial portion of the received waveform, PRCCTDOURE All oscilloscopes are calibrated against a known frequency standard for sweep linearity. he noise level. cr ty w ry oO <j a or be * cf. The cathole follower triggering system is set to trigger approximately The vertical dcflector of the oscilloscopes are set to receive the pradicted field strength. Station A - Par-y Island ‘DELETED en eee ine = Sintion B = Kwafalein Nt l r DELETED