
Projest 6.5
ov ~ Analysis of Electromagnetic Pulse Produced by Nuclear
Explosions - Charles J. Ong
The objective of Project 6.5 is to obtain waveforms of the electromagnetic radiation for all the detonations during Operation REDWING.


data is to be used in connection with a continuing study relating the
waveform parameters to the height ani yield of the detonation.
Two identical stations are usei to record data, one at Eniwetok
and one at Kwajalein,
The instrumentation consists of a wide-band receiver with seperate
cucputs connected to each of the three oscilloscopes,

Mounted on each

iltoscope is a Polaroid Land Camera for recording the transient display.
The wide-band receiver consists of one primary and four seconiary

eathole folloyor amplifiers,

An antenna, frequency insensitive in the

range of interest is fed directly into the primary cathode follower.


primary eathole follower is th-n connected to four inijividual cathode
followers by a 50-ohm coaxial cable.

Only three secondary cathode

followers are utilized, the fourth serving as a spare,
The number one and two cathole followers feed oscilloscopes with

speeds of approximately 30 microseconds per centimeter andi 10

microseconds/centimeter respectively.

The number three cathode follower

is connected to the third oscilloscope through a 2 microsecond delay line.
The third oscilloscope has a sweep speed of 1.0 microseconds/centimeter.
All oscilloscopes were triggered simultaneously by the DC trigger device

leeated in the primary cathode follower ani connected directly to the

prenl0Oe. ‘


-~ 69 -



Select target paragraph3