were exposed at the 60 foct level of 4 photographic tower about 150 feet

from the main exposure site.

On Fnyu (Nan) (site 412.01), 10 rabbits

were also exposed without filter or shutter protection at the 200 foot

level of a photographic tower,
No burns were sustained in the 103 rabbits and 4 monkeys exposed

to this shot.

It was estimated that 7-19 cal/em* would be received

at the exposure sites on Bikini (Yow) and 2-3 cal/em® on nyu (Nan).
Actual measurements, however, showed that Ices than 2 cal/em® was
reccived at Bikini (How).

The actual dose at Tnyu (Nen) is not know,

but is presumed to be correspondingly low.

The extremely low radiation

doszs are ascribed to rainstorms between the shot and the exposure sites.

confirms? the presence of heavy rainfall over Bikini (Eow) at shot time.

The results of thie study are inconclusive, apparently because of
extremely high atmospheric attenuation due to rainstorms at shot time,

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