


Project 4.1 - Piomedical Effects - Choriorsctinal Burns


Colonel R. S, Fixctt

The primary objective of this project is to obtain informtion
on the requirements for protection of the eves azainst chorioretinal
turns from atomic detconatiags cf varicus yields; in this case, an
Corollary technical objectives at the sam: yield are to:
Determine whether blink reflexes will prevent chorioretinal burns.
Ascertain which portions of the timeo-intensity pulse can produce
thermil injury to the retina and choroid of the eye.
Determine the time required fer blink reflex (B27) in rabbits and
monkeys exposed to the extreme lizht intensity cf the atomic detonation.
“xplore the feasibility of oculer protection by means of fixed
density optical filters and/or combinaticns of filters.
Test, under field contitions, protective shutter devices which are
in the developmental stage and which are designed to close much more
rapidly than the BRT.

The instrumentat
that used on the

shutter taitye.

employed during this event is identical to
(ZUNI) with the exception of some changes in

alorimetric instrumentation, identical to that used

(MONAWK), was also utilized.

The main exposure facility

was loc#ted on Bikini (How) (site 411.92) at 19.6 statue miles from the

Ten additional rabbits without filter or shutter protection

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Select target paragraph3