889 . nfinues STATEMENT OF HIGH COMMISSIONER ADRIAN P. WINKEL BEFORE THE INTERIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE, COMMITTEE ON -aduced APPROPRIATIONS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, CONCERNING RESETTLEMENT OF THE -nat the PEOPLE OF BIKINI, MAY 22, 1978 - nat it 1s Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee: -e data. The preceding statements of Mrs. Van Cleve and the le have wosed to presentation of the Department of Energy clearly demonstrate : he same the dilemma we \ range futures of the people now living on Bikini Island. icdlanger Until eee immediate and longer- face in dealing with the last week, it had been a reasonable presumption based on predictions by the Department of Energy that Eneu . po en- in the Bikini Atoll would be a satisfactory place to which vem off woe es . . . the Bikini people could be moved in the immediate short-run Nay the period and that it would also serve as a permanent location for the bulk of the larger group still on Kili. gz about . We now know that this is not the case. cisn'tit? We thus have the necessity of a temporary move to a location that most likely will not be the permanent home for 4 oe these people. At this point let me say that there are no uninhabited Hatistics “eo meh islands or atolls on which these people might make a perma\ nent settlement. Uninhabited islands in the Marshalls are uninhabited because they are incapable of sustaining human life to any extent, particularly the numbers of people we are vont at: talking about. on Kil sinsioner made a fait will ' , t “