877 ve coconuts. They wy were drinking “IDENTS wodrink the milk food and water / Interior on what reo his friends in Isthere anything else contaminated that they eat besides coconuts? Mr. Q.prBrtar Pandan and other Jocal subsistence crops, Mr. Yarns. Are those infected toa? Mr. QO.pr Brite. We are told they are infected also. Mr Yarres. Albright. xo ahead. Mr. Deal. Mr. Drak. The last =lide. you asked us to tell you the status of what we knew of Mnen Ustand. Mr Yarrs. We would like to know what the status of Bikini ts as well, [The charts follow:] MEASURED RADIATION DOSE—BIKINI ISLANDERS {REM per year] 1974 1977 1978 0.2% 003 to 667 0. 200 . O88 to . 538 0. 200 . 970 to . 980 203 ta. 267 . 288 to. 738 . 270 toa 1. 180 1 tion? elouncder me the on. The feedinu Eaternat tnteinal_ a . . Se eee Dene ee ee leceeeceee Total. wee Note’ Federal standard {77 individuals equals 05 REM per year. POV. and auipde ered. have been md staying with Inst thea a the on to believe the enee of uneoythen? Did vou nd fresh foods myself in what to that. beenuse nshirnece, > tothe coconuts. wconuts and the ‘fothe Marshall will drink the rodent by, They eonuts by there a tt { drink the mills Hil] eating the them fron ent‘ls or cut dawn cee nee SrattUs—EsAtk ISLaNps Myternal radiatron: V2 remear, Coconut OH treesa os neisurements 3 ta 6 fines previous estinnites. Other food eroaps ) Satiples now berg analy zed. Sesowater wells: 3 net petabite high salte: 3 may be potable but: radiation LOPS eS nigoe Neecdk IPA stanthiereds. Mr. Yarvs. Have vou decided that from now on vou are not going to permit people to live on Bikini any more? Obviously they can’t live there af they are going to continue to be tnfeered, right? Mr. Dian, Right. ves. sar. Mr. Yatrrs, Sous faras vou know, Biktai T-land is through as an aren for living, . Mro Dean. Yes. sin, probably autil we get another 30 vears. The lialf life of costume is G0 years. saat the encbof 0 years Chere wottld be anehalf the amount of costume retuatmne. Teor every 30-year period there. after. Che cesimia clecays teone-hialf its vadne, BASIS OF Loos DECESION GN BIRENT Mr. Yarus. Why were people allowed to go back there in 1972 0 Who narde (heut destsion 4 Mis. Vaw Crrvin Mi. Chatrnian. Mere Yares. Your friend tn Tnterior? Gro ulead, please, Mrs. Van Cleve, Mire. Vax Creve. The President of the United States made the de- cision ma Adgter Dos, Mer. Yarns. Neting upon whose advice a View Vas Chuvi. Te annonneed that the people of Bikini could re- tur on the basis of adviee received: from ex pert> hired by the Atomile Energy Comission who said that Bikant was sa fe for dua habitation, pens ee ee) a — r a a a ee En nT en a A ieCe eg meni take office?