866 there ix un imimedinte danger, then we can pause until the radiological survers reveal whether the move te Joneu can be made or whether we buve to move tow less attractive sile. -As we informally advised the committee stad! last week. the results of the very recent tests of the body burdens of the people Tiving on Bikand PJand show a stendicant mereace m such burdens. While it may be arguible whether the test results show“an immediate danger,” wedn the Department of the Interior are satisfied that the people should be moved from Bikini Tsland as soon as it is possible to do so. We have asked the representatives of the Department of Energy to discuss with vor the radiological situation on Bikini and its implications for the people on Bikini Island. and they will do so in a moment. Then the High Commissioner and Fowant to discuss with you our plans for the move of the people from Bikini Tsland. NEED TO RECAST BIKINI REIEABILITATION PLANS Tanust tell von now, however, that we have suddenly been required to recnst our preliminary plins ina very major way. The cominittee will recall that when we testified before you a month ago, we antici pated, on the basis of the best information then available to us from the Departrnent of Mnergy, that if it were necessary fo move the people of Daikint Island to an alternative, safe site. we could expect that the nearby istand of Eneu would be avatleble for that purpose, Last Thursday we learned thiat tests of a limited sample of foodstuffs growingon Eneu showed an uptake of radionnelides much in excess of tho-e predicted on the basis of the known cesium and strontinm content of the soil, Accordingly. we iuive concluded that we must eliminate Enen as an altermttive site, and we have thus revised suabstiuntially the plans for temporary settlement, We will outline those plans te von after the Energy Department discussion of the radioactivity situation on Bikini aid neu. ‘To assist us in our discusion of our relocation plans, there are present with me this morning, in addition to Tigh Commissioner Winkel, his District Adiministrator for the Marshall Islands District, Oscar