913 going ta sity GV- CUMMISSTONER ADRIAN P, WINKEL BEFORE THE i AGDNCIES SUBCOMMITTEE, COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, CONCERNTHG RESETTLEMENT OF THE FEOVLIO OF BIKINI, JUNE 19, 1978 ntnk vou for comour statemene ane eecord. STATEMENT OF Hi INTUPIOCR FOLAG AN. a tee eee | Mr. Chairtan, Members of the Committee: In accordance with meeting, I the decisions made discussed with the people of at your May 22nd Bikini Island their fortneominsau move from that island and their preference as to relication sites. These meetings were held over a period of 24 hours, cn Thursday and Friday, June 1 and 2, with virtually all of the people of the Island--men, women, and children-an attenuance at the first meeting, Jia.t “ale porulation) Subsequently, on and 35 to 40 people (the at the succeeding two meetinas. Monazay, June 5, a meeting was held wath the people of Fili Island for the same purposes, with about 107 peorie in attendance. In the opening remarks at Bikini I explained to the people that I was there to inform them it was necessary that they move from Bikini Island, enough that Eneu Island also was not considered safe to aliow their living on 1t at this time, and that four relocation sites were suggested for their consideration and decision. At the second meeting on Friday, June 2, various spokesmen outlined the preferences of the people as follows: 1) Stay on Bikina- Island until further information is available activity. about Eneu food and its levels of radio= The people reasoned that they would have to