—: A10 Tuesday, Mey 23,1978 TIE WASTINGTON Post Bikinians Must Quit Island for at Least 30 Years, Hill Told By Walter Pincus Washington Post Statt Writer ‘The 139 Marshallese jiving on Bikink Isjand will have to leave their home atoll withio three months and not return for at lesst 30 years because of radiation remaining from a 1954 U §. hydrogen bomb test, o House Appropriations subcommittes was told yesterday, An earlier plan to move them from Bikini Island to Eneu, another island in the atoll, was dropped, the subcommiltee was told, because Enecu's coco guts were showing radioactivity read: in: five to six times higher than gov. erument scientists had previously expected, As a result, Interfor Department of. ficiais said yesterday, they could not eay where the Bikini residents would eventually end up, The people now living on Bikini were the fist ones to return aftcr a 1969 determination by the Atomic Enerey Commission (that the otell was safe from radiatién contamination. From 1946 through 1968 it bad been the site of 23 U.S. nuclear weapons tests. Subcommittee Chairman Sidney Yates (1) LIL) asked witnesses from the Depatiments of Interior and Energy, “Why were these people allowed to go back?” “There was no hint in 1969 that there would be ea problem with cocoBuls, vevetables and water,” he was told by Ruth G. Van Cleve, directoe of Interior's Office of Tergitorial Activitles. Joe Deal, of Enerry's safety branch aald, “There were no coronuts to test and to foodstulf growing ... We used the best instruments evailable at that time.” Deal outlined to the subcomnilttes how last month's medical examination showed the Bikini :esidents had taken radioactive cesium into their bodies at levels up to twice the accepled U.S. standard for the general population. Dr. Waller Wy zen, alsn of DON, told the subcommittee that the 139 men, woten and children who have heen living on Bikini for the past several years and eating its radioacthve coco buls and otter foods would have to undergo medical examinations for the next year and perhaps the rest of their lives to kecp track of the raddloactive matter they have invested, it was the finding of hizh concen. trations of radinactive ec<iwm and strontium—above U.S. starlords—in the bodies of the Bikini residents last month that convinced Interlor offidlals the people had to be moved, Van Cleve told the subcommittee that although “the tests [last month} do not reveal an immediate dancer" the move frum Uhe atoll should be made within 90 days —the time ner ded to pick a temporary place to live and build plyweod homes there with aluminum roofs. Adan PP. Winkel, hich comms: sioner of the U.S. Trust Territory, teld the subcommitice he would fly ta Bikinl next week and tell the resi- denis "the need for the move and deétermlue their preferences for a place to settle.” At that point, Rep. Frank Evans (DColo.) raised the question of what would be done if they did not want to leave Hikini. “We have no cholce but to require them to move,” Winkel responded. . The high commisstoner added, however, that It might be difficult to make the older people move because they etl might prefer to remain. Two aging Marshallese who own major pieces of land on #ikint Island are patriarchs of the two family groups that make up most of the people now living on the island. Marshall Islanders) who attended yesterday's subcommittee meeting were not sufe Winkel could convince them to Icave. fiustratlve of the problem was the éxchanye that tuok place when a quer tion wae askéd why the people on Bi- kini kept eating coconuts after they had been warned they were dangecrous and supplicd with other food and water from outside the island. Oscar DeBrum, the disirict repre sentalive of the Trust Territory zovernment said, “Coconuls are treasured by the people. They would drink coconut milk even in the face of the warn. ings" DeBrum then noted that when the medicat team arrived jast month on Bikinl, the people offercd them the radioactive coconula as a sign of {riendship. “Either move the people or cut down the coconut trees," DeBrum auggested. Representatives of the approximately 400 furmer Bikini people who now live on Kili Island told the subcommiltce “we see ourselves as the viclims of bureaucratio incompetence" It was questioning by the Kili group about the safety of Bikink four ycars azo that first raised the possibllity that dangerous radiation levels might still exist on the Istand. At the ume, U.S. officials were pre paring to return the entire group to Bnkink The Kill spokesman, Tomaki Juda,: reminded the subcommitice that in’ 1046, a Navy officer told the Bikinians* thes had to leave thelr atoll so “it “could be used for the good of ménkind and to end all world wars.” The officer compared the Bikinians “to the children of Israel whom the. Lord saved from their enemy and led: into the Promised Land.” . “We are.” Jucta said, “sadly mora: akin to the Children of Israel} when. they left Egypt and wandered throuch: the desert for 40 years. We left Bikinl: and have wandered through the ocean: for J2 years and we will pever return. to our Promised Land.” : :