a STATON OF UNDLEKSTANDING ON THE PART OF THE COVFERNNENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS CONCERNING THE MOVE OF THE PEGPLE OF BIKINI ISLAND, AUGUST, 1978 On August 11, 1978, the Undersecretary of the Department Interior, James A. Joseph, of the the Deputy Undersecretary, Wallace Green, and the Director of the Office of Territorial Affairs, Ruth G. Van Cleve, journeyed to Bikini Island to meet with its current residents. of chei:r meecing was te convey information on the subjece of The purpose the forthcoming move by the people of Bikini Island to Kili Island, and to respend to questions and incar concerns put to them by the people of Bikini Island. They had carlierc, on August 7, held a similar meeting with former residents of Bikini who now reside on Kili. The High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Adrian P, Winkel, had been prevented vy bad weather in Saipan from joining in the visit to Bikini Island, but he had earlier ince with che people of Bikini, as well as with other Bikinians on Kili. In 1946, U. the people of Bikini were removed from their atoll by the S. Navy in order to enable the United States to use the atoil for a nuclear testing program which lasted until 1958. The islanders were moved first to Rongerik, then to Kwajalein, and ulcimately to Kili. 1960's, In the late it appeared that levels of radiation on Bikini atcll were such that the people could return to and use a number of the major islands of the atoll. Beginning in 1969, a clean-up of the atoll and @ rehabilitation program was begun. In the early 1970's, some Bikini people were employed in the project and the @ikini fsland population increased to dpyieidauiely iss im 1076. 1977, the intake of radionuclides by the people living on Bikini In Island had increased to alurming proportions, and a major feeding program was instituted. April, 1978 surveys showed that the feeding program had not resulted