
garvey beinning at H¥l$ hours confirmed the ZEER: I reports,

Basvd cn the

clou. pexetration and ZEBRA I ajreraft and initial helicopter survey, reentry

hour Kat set for O900M, 23 May.


WILSON I contlueted a search beginning at H+6 hours in a 20° cector,

trce searing 075° through 090° with apex on RONGERIK, and extend:ng 3CO miles

so tle Dast (“AB G), Flight Plan ABLE was flown on Del day,




The windpattern for ZUNI maintained the forecast stability and

ail signifitant fallout occurred within the danger area,

The 30,000 foot

jevel turned in to the Southeast sometime late on shot day,
-ellcut on islends to the southeast of BIKIIZ.

This caused light

Most stations reported

intersities of three or four times baekground by the end of the Del Daye
S5IKIMI experienked light fallout on Del Day with average intensities on the

order of five mr/hr.


ENIWETOK received very light fallout on D+) Day.

RONGERIK reported four mr/hr at 1800M on D+2,

The RONGERIK station

contvimed to report increasing intensities through 1800H, D+tl when a peak of

13 mr/hr was reached,

Select target paragraph3