1. The atomic defice, ZUNI, was fired-at 0656N, 28 May 1956. Th.
shot’ Yoration was at the surface on the western tip of ENINMAN Island

(TARE’ of BIKINI Atoll. The cloud reached en estimated 60,000 feet.
Glouc penetration and sampler aircraft reports et H#30 minutes indicated

chat the general cloud movement was to the North at 15 knots,

Ths lowcr

portion of the stem moved at approximately I5 knots-to the DNA


it HeJhours PeV reconnaissance aircraft intercepted the lowar cloud

60 rifles West of BIKINI at 12,000 feet,

Cloud penetration eircraft mace

ceverel penetrations of the visible eloud during the period of He30 mimtes
chrough H#1% hours with moderate intensities encountered (60 ~ 100r).

2. -The faTlout forecast (TAB B) for ZUNI wes based on a ourface ,
Fisgion yield was assumed to be


ZEBRA I reported background intensities at Htl hour at a posizion

Dive miles South of ENYU (NAN).

Based on this report ZEBRA I wes inst-ueted

“vo matte a low altitude survey of ENYU and the anchorage,
tepor’ced the AN air strip and the ‘anchorage: Teleen",

At Hel3 hours “EBRA I

The initial helicopter

Select target paragraph3