Administrative and Logistics


Delay Enroute While in a TDY Status

(1) Army and Air Force personnel of Headquarters, JTF SEVEN, Task

Groups 7ol, 7e2 and 704 may be granted delay enroute, chargeable as
leave, when such delay does not interfere with the accomplishment of
the assigried missions.

(2) Authority for delay enroute while in a TDY status for naval
personnel of Headquarters, Joint Task Force SEVEN, Task Groups 7.1,
7.2 and 703 will not be granted by this task force but authority for
such delays will be requested from the Bureau of Naval Personnel on
individual basise


Personal Affairse

See SOP 34-1, dated 20 November 1951.

Medical Examinations.

See Appendix III to this annex.

Logistics - General. Logistical support of task force elements prior
to arrival in the forward area will be provided in accordance with
the followings
ao The respective Services, through the appropriate field commanders,
will provide logistical support for normal functioning of military
elements of the task force.
be The ARC will provide logistical support for the normal functioning of the AEC elements of.the task force.

Co Logistical support beyond that contemplated above will be arranged
by the task force headquarters in coordination with the military

Services and/or the AEC.

Requirements for Materiel and Services
ae Task group commanders are responsible for the determination and
submission of requirements for materiel and services for their respective task groups.
be Requirements for which the parent Service or department of a
task group has procurement and su pply responsibility will be requisitioned in accordance with existing instructions of that Service or
Co Requirements for which the parent Service or department of a task
group does not have procurement and supply responsibility will be

processed as follows:

(1) Requirements for military materiel and services will be sub-

mitted to task force headquarters.

(2) Requirements of a scientific nature will be submitted to the

Commander, Scientific Task Groupe

Military elements of the task

force will route such requirements throngh task farce headquarters.

Requirements will be submitted promptly to afford supporting

agencies the maximum possible lead time.


"On-site requirements, to



Select target paragraph3