Administrative and Logistics

the extent foreseeable, will be submitted at least 6 months prior to
required date.


Procurement of Materiel and Services


Task group commanders are authorized to procure commercially,


Procurement will be accomplished through existing procurement

within the limitations of available funds, essential materiel and
services which are not available from military or AEC sources.

agencies of the DOD and/or the AEC.

ce Procurement with task force funds will be in accordance with current Armed Forces procurement regulationse

de Procurement problems which cannot be resolved by the task groups
will be referred to CJTF SEVEN.
Property Control

Task group commanders are responsible for adequate measures to

maintain, safeguard and account for all property issued to or otherwise acquired by their task groups.
bo Except as otherwise indicated below, property in custody of the
task force will be accounted for in accordance with established pro-~
cedures of the using activity.

Ce Property which is lost, damaged or destroyed while in custody of
the task force will be accounted for in accordance with established
procedures of the owning agencyo
de Where the loan of property to the task force is conditioned upon
specific terms, task group commanders are responsible for strict adherence to such terms.


Task group commanders will designate one or more qualified indi-

viduals as accountable officers (responsible officers for TG 7.1 and

TG 7.5) to account for and supervise the care and use of military
property entrusted to their respective task groups.

The names of

such individuals will be furnished to Headquarters, JIF SEVEN.


The lending of property between the military and the AEC elements

of the task force is authorized and encouraged where such action will
result in an economy of funds.



Movement Control.

This headquarters is responsible for movement

control of all task force personnel and cargo and is the consolida-

ting agency for all requirements, for shipping space, for personnel
and cargo via air and/or water transportation to the forward area and

Areas of Operation


Select target paragraph3