Administrative and Logistics


Release, Rotation and Replacement of Personnel
a. Request for release of personnel for other than rotation purpose
will be forwarded to the Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN for pro-


be « policy of one (1) year tour of duty at ENIWETOK for Army person-~
nel has been established by the Department of the Armyo

(1) An extension of foreign tour, not to exceed six months, may
be granted enlisted personnel by CTG 7.2, where necessary, in the
furtherance of the mission. Where an extension is desired which will
cause the enlisted individual to remain on a tour of duty in excess

of eighteen months, it will be forwarded to the Commander, JTF SEVEN
for final approval and forwarding indorsement will outline cogent rea~
sons for recommending approvale

(2) Request for extension of tours of duty for Army officer per-

sonnel on ENIWETOK ATOLL beyond the initial twelve months period wild

be forwarded to CJTF SEVEN for approval.

(3) Requisitions for Army enlisted personnel will be prepared in
accordance with SR 615-60-10 and submitted so as to reach Headquarters,
JTF SEVEN not later than the 10th day of each monthe Requisitions for
Army officer personnel for the task force will be prepared in accord-

ce Replacements for naval personnel of the ENIWETOK garrison force
will be furnished by ComServPac.



ance with SR 6005-60-25 and submitted so as to reach the headquarters
not later than the 25th day of each month.

Replacements for Air Force personnel of the ENIWETOK garrison

forces will be furnished by the Air Force Special Weapons Center,


Non-appropriated Fundse The atoll commander will adopt such portions
of the policies and procedures prescribed by AR 210-50 and SR 210-50-1
as are applicable for the administering of non-appropriated fundse
In cases not covered by regulations, appropriate policies, procedures
and control will be established by hime For this purpose the atoll
commander is considered as commander of a major command outside the

continental limits of the United States.

Leave of Absence

ae Task Group 7.2 Personnel. Leaves of absence during overseas tour
will, in general, be authorized in emergencies only and in accordance
with appropriate Service directives. If desirable, personnel granted
leaves of absence for emergency reasons may be recommended from fur-

ther duty with Joint Task Force SEVEN and reported to the appropriate
command for reassignment. Enlisted personnel of the Army and Air

Force released from duty with Joint Task Force SEVEN for other than
inefficiency or disciplinagy reasons may be granted not to exceed 30
days leave of absence or delay enroute, if accrued, to the replaceiment center for new assignment.



Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico.

Select target paragraph3