Weather Plan

CJTF SEVEN Noo 1~53~

(2) Outlying stations will be responsible for taking surface and

upper air observations in accordance with current procedures and for
the transmission of observations to the task force Weather Central.

Aircraft Weather Reconnaissance Unit.

The aircraft weather recon-

naissance unit will be based on ENIWETOK and will be responsible for

obtaining inflight weather observations in accordance with current
procedures along tracks and at times requested by the task force Wea~
ther Central.
Weather Services Required of JTF SEVEN Weather Units


Weather Central.

The task force Weather Central wills:

(1) Collect, plot, analyze and display weather information cover-

ing the Pacific Ocean area, with emphasis on the Central Pacific and


(2) Prepare briefing charts and forecasts for use in the joint

task force headquarters.

(3) Issue operational forecasts to JIF SEVEN subordinate commands

as required.

(4) Coordinate the aircraft weather reconnaissance effort with

respect to tracks to be flown.

(5) Coordinate the operational effort of the outlying land sta-



(6) Assume overall responsibility for informing participating

units in Operation CASTLE of tropical storms and typhoons in accordance with existing area directives. All observations, advisories and
warnings transmitted will contain information addressees as follows:
CINCPAC, plus cognizant Navy and Air Force weather centrals in the
Pacific Ocean area.

(7) Establish full scale operations on or before the first shot;

minus thirty-five (35) days.

(8) Plan to remain fully operational for a period of 120 days.
bo Outlying Stations. Completely self-contained weather reporting
stations capable of taking and transmitting comprehensive surface and
upper air observations will be established at RONGERIK, MAJURO,
PONAPE and KUSAIE. Personnel and equipment will be assembled by the
first shot, minus 90 days, for an on-site operation of 120 days. All
stations will be in place and fully operational on or before the first
shot, minus 35 dayse

Aircraft Weather Reconnaissance Unite

The aircraft weather re-

connaissance unit must have the capability of fulfilling the follow-

ing requirements for an on-site operational period of approximately
100 days:

(1) Two (2) weather missions each day of approximately 12 hours



Select target paragraph3