Weather Plan
duration, commencing on first shot minus 20 dayse

(2) Three (3) weather missions each day of approximately 12 hours

duration, commencing on shot minus 4 days.

(3) Post-shot missions in cormection with radiological safety,

consisting of 2 missions each day of approximately 12 hours duration,
from shot day until shot plus 2 days.

(4) Be prepared for possible delays in the operation which may ex-

tend the requirements listed in subparagraph (2) above for an additional 3 dayse

(5) Beginning on 25 January 1954, assume typhoon reconnaissance

responsibility an the area bounded by,the Equator, latitude 25°N, the

meridian of 180° and longitude of 157°31'E, The joint task force
Weather Central will coordinate this effort.

Weather Units Afloat

(1) Weather units afloat comply with existing weather directives

in the Pacific Ocean area when operating outside a 50 miles radius of

the task force flagshipe

(2) Command ship aerological personnel will be assigned to duty

in the task farce Weather Central afloat.

(3) The Commander, Task Group 7.3 will be expected to make addi-

e. Anti-submarine Aircraft. Anti-submarine patrol aircraft under
the operational control of CTG 7.3 will transmit special weather observations every half hour, using a special code. Amplifying instructions and training will be provided prior to commencement of overseas


tional special weather observations when requested. The aerological
units aboard ships assigned to his group can fulfill this requirement.



Instructions of General Application
(1) Warnings and advisories for typhoons or other storms will be

(2) For purposes of standardization, typhoon readiness conditions

are defined in the Pacific Ocean area as follows:
Condition II]Ie

Typhoon winds or winds of 50 knots or more

are anticipated within 48 hours.

Condition IIe Typhoon winds or winds of 50 knots or more are
anticipated within 24 hours.
Condition I.

Typhoon winds or winds of 50 knots or more are

anticipated within 12 hours.

ge Relay of Weather Reports. The Chief, Task Force Weather Central,
will insure that all weather reports from outlying stations and



assigned "EMERGENCY" (0) precedence.

Select target paragraph3