Washington 25, De Co

20 June 1953, 1600 R

Annex J to CJTF SEVEN Operation Order Noe 1-53

Organization and Mission of Weather Element of JTF SEVEN

ae The Commander, Task Group 7-4 will organize, man, train, administer and logistically support:
(1) A task force weather central.
(2) A ground weather observation network (outlying weather stations).
(3)-An aircraft weather reconnaissance unit.
The ground weather observation unit and the aircraft weather recon-

naissance unit will be under the operational control of the Commander,
Task Group 704, while the Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN will retain operational control of the task force Weather Central.

Weather Central

(1) The task force Weather Central will be located on ENIWETOK

ISLAND until such time as CJTF SEVEN transfers his command post to
the command ship. At that time the task force Weather Central will

be established aboard the AGC. However, a forecasting and observing
section will remain on ENIWETOK to provide the necessary weather service for that location during the time the task force Weather Central
is afloat.

(2) The task force Weather Central is responsible for:
(a) The collection, evaluation and presentation of basic weather information.

(b) The preparation of weather and upper air forecasts for

(c) Providing operational forecasts, flight clearances and

such other weather information and services in the area as may be


the task force commander.


(d) Coordinating the operational effort of the outlying wea-

ther stations and the weather reconnaissance aircraft. .

Outlying Weather Stations

(1) In addition to the existing weather network in the Pacific

Ocean area, observation stations will be established at KUSAIE,

RONGERIK, MAJURO and PONAPE for the purpose of providing surface and
upper air data necessary to meet the peculiar demands of the operatione



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