Radiological Safety Regulations

(1) Skin readings should not be more than 1 mr/hr.


decontamination by bathing will be utilized for readings in excess of
this level. Beta radiation exposure to the hands should not exceed

30.0 rep/weeko


(2) Underclothing and body equipment such as the internal sur-

faces of respirators should be reduced to 2 m/hre.


(3) Outer clothing should be reduced to 7mr/hr.

Vehicle MPLs: The interior eurfaces of occupied sections of ve-

hicles should be reduced to 7 mr/hr.

The outside surfaces of vehicles

should be reduced to less than 7 mr/hr, gamma only, at five (5) or
six (6) inches from the surface.

co Ship and Boat MPLs:
(1) Operational clearances, implying that contamination exists
and special procedures are required, will normally be granted by

commanding officers on the technical advice of radiological defense
staff members. In peacetime, a maximum fixed contamination level of
300 mr/week ordinarily willnot be exceeded except for
“Operational Necessity". For this operation an MPL of 60u mr/week
will be used as the upper limit for “operational necessity" unless
otherwise specifically raised or lowered. Fixed alpha contamination
should not exceed 500 cpm (counts per minute) per 150 cm® of area.

assumed that not more than ten percent of the radiation flux entering


(2) For ships and boats operating in contaminated waters, reason-

able allowances will be made to differentiate between the relative
contribution to the total flux from fixed contamination and that due
to "shine? from contaminated waters. For this operation it will bethe vessel through the sides is due to contamination which will re-

main fixed on the vessel upon reentry to uncontaminated waters. Ships
and boats encountering levels of contamination greater than deter-

mined by the above will request special instructions.

(3) Final clearances, normally granted by commanding officers,
will be given upon completion of the operation provided no point of

contamination is greater than 15 mr/day (beta and gamma) and no
detectable alpha exists.

(4) In general, boats operating in waters near shot islands after

shot times may become contaminated. Monitors shall be aboard all
boats operating after shot time, either as passengers or members of

the boat crew, until such time as radiological restrictions are

nated as surface radexo

All ships of the task force shall be required

to remain outside the surface radex - danger bearing, radial limitation and time restriction. However, if ships are directed tactically



(5) No ships with personnel shall be permitted inside the 1.5

PoSoi line unless specifically directed otherwise. Bearings of danger from immediate radioactive fall-out for-ship operations will be
established by CJTF SEVEN on the basis of farecast wind directions at
the intended time of detonation. This danger section will be desig-

Select target paragraph3