Radiological Safety Regulations
CJTF SEVEN Noe. 1-53
group RadSafe supply sections.

All personnel within viewing distance of an atomic detonation who are
not supplied with protective goggles will turn away from the detona-

tion point and close their:eyes during the time of burst. At least
10 seconds should be allowed before looking directly at the burst.


The arrival snd proposed use of radioactive sources at the Pacific

Proving Ground will be reported to the Task Force Radiological Safety
Al samples of radioactive material which are couriered in aircraft
will be packaged and loaded so as to reduce radiation to a minimum.
The RadSafe Officer of TG 7e4 will have a survey made of the package
to determine if adequate precautions have been taken. The following
criteria will determine space and packaging requirements;

Prior exposure of aircraft and courier personnel.


Anticipated future exposures on tripe


Length of time of exposure on tripe

do In all cases, crew members will be limited to exposure rates of
less than 20 mr/hr.
Ali air and eurface vehicles or craft used in contaminated areas will
be checked through the appropriate task group decontamination section
upon return from such areas.

The Maximum Permissible Limits (MPLs) of contamination listed herein

are to be regarded as advisory limits for control of contamination
under average conditions, and are subject to revision by waiver from

the task force commander in individually designated cases when extenuating circumstances indicate the need and justification therefor.
All readings of surface contamination are to be made with Geiger coun-

ters, with tube walls not substantially in excess of 30 mg/cm* with
shield opene

The surface of the probe should be held one (1) inch to

two (2) inches from the surface that is -under observation unless other-

wise specified. In all cases other than emergency or tactical situations the ultimate criteria will be limited by the authorized MPEs for
personnel, with measurements made using standard equipment and tech-

niques for such exposure.

Special instances may arise after shot

time such as in the case of anair-sea rescue within the atoll lagoon
and inside the surface radex in which rescue operations will be
carried out without regard to the radiological hazard. Monitors
aboard rescue craft shall be required to determine the extent of the
actual radiation hazard experienced in order that appropriate medical
tests may be initiated. For emergency opsrations, the criteria prescribed for tactical situation (para. 13 below) will be used as a


For operational purposes the MPLs presented below will not be

considered applicable to spotty contamim tion provided such areas can

be effectively isolated from personnele

Personnel and clothing MPLs are as follows:




Select target paragraph3