Washington 25, De Ce

20 June 1953, 1600 R


ndix to Annex JI

Radiological Safety, CJTF SEVEN Operation Order No. 1-53

The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for personnel involved in this

operation is 369 roentgens, gamma only, unless reduced because of
previous or anticipated future exposure. All exposure to external
gamma radiation will be regarded as total body irradiation. Special

MPE of 20 roentgens, gamma only, is authorized for crew members of

air sampling aircrafte The maximum permissible exposures as stated
above are applicable to a field experimental test of nuclear devices
in peacetime, wherein numbers of personnel engaged in these tests
have been previously exposed or will be continuously exposed to potential radiation hazards. It may become necessary from a study of
personnel records to reduce the MPE for certain individuals who have

participated recently in other atomic testse

Under a military tacti-

cal situation or emergency the maximum permissible exposures above do
not applye

All atoll land and lagoon areas in or near which a detonation takes
place will be considered contaminated until cleared for operations by

the task force commander.

Entry to and exit from contaminated areas

will be via RadSafe check points only.

Contaminated land areas of intensities greater than 100 mr/hr will be
delineated as such; Personnel entering these areas must be accompanied

by a monitor and will be subject to clearances by the RadSafe Officer,
TG 7ole RadSafe clothing and equipment will be issued to the person-





Contaminated land areas of instensities less than 100 mr/hr and
greater than 10 mr/hr will be controlled areas; Personnel entering

these areas will be subject to clearance by the RadSafe Officer of TG
Jel. Monitors will not be required for entry into these controlled



Contaminated land areas of intensities less than 10 mr/hr will be considered unrestricted from a RadSafe viewpoint.

Areas coming within

this limitation will be designated specifically by CJTF SEVEN prior
to unrestricted entry.

RadSafe monitors assigned to individuals or groups working in con-

taminated areas or with contaminated equipment during recovery operations will act in an advisory capacity to keep the recovery party

leader informed of radiation intensities at all times. The recovery
party leader is expected to accept this advice and act accordingly.
It is the responsibility of both the leader and the members of the
recovery party to adhere to the limits established in these regulationse


Film badges, dosimeters and protective clothing (coveralls, booties,
caps, gloves, dust respirators, etc.) as deemed necessary will be
issued te personnel entering contaminated areas by appropriate task



Select target paragraph3