Radiological Safety Regulations
inte the surface radex, movement of ships shall be governed by tacti-

cal exposure guides.

(6) Individuals on board ships of the task force shall be protec-

ted collectively from hazards of blast, heat and radioactivity by
movement of the ships.

(7) It is desired to point out that the employment of the ships

and units in TG 7.3, insofar as radiological safety is concerned, is
not considered routine usage within the purview of NavMed P-1325,
"Radiological Safety Regulations." Current revision of NavMed P-1325
indicates that its provisions will not apply for special operations
such as field tests and that for such operations naval personnel will

operate under regulations set farth by the task force commander. The
regulations set forth herein have been designed as a reasonable and
safe compromise considering conservation of personnel exposures, the
international import of tescs and the cost aspects of shot delays
chargeable to excessive radiological precautionse


Aircraft MPLs:
(1) The interior surfaces of occupied sections of aircraft should

be reduced to 7 mr/hr.

(2) No aircraft in the air at H Hour will be at slant ranges from

ground zero less than as determined by the following effects unless
specifically directed otherwisee (Based on maximum predicted yield

and 20 mile visibility):

Thermal (H Hour): Fabric control surfaces: 1.0 cal/cm@

Metal control surfaces: 6.0 cal/cm@


Blast (at predicted shock arrival): 005 peSoic

After detonation no aircraft shall operate inside the air radex or
closer than 10 nautical miles from the rising or visible cloud unless

specifically directed otherwise. If a tactical or emergency situation
arises where aircraft must enter the air radex, tactical exposure

(3) All multi-engine task force aircraft in the air at H Hour

within 100 miles of the detonation point shall carry a person desig-

nated as radiological safety monitor equipped with suitable RADIAC
equipment and a radex plot. This monitor shall be capable of calculating allowable exposures under both tactical and operational conditions.

(4) Al1 persons in aircraft at shot time, or at subsequent times

when engaged in operations in or near the cloud or radex track, shall
wear film badges.
(5) Pilots and copilots of aircraft in the air at shot time shall
use modified all-purpose .1 density filter goggles. Copilots should,
as an extra precaution, cover their eyes with forearm at zero hour.

eo In air and water the following continuous levels of radioactivity
are considered safe from the viewpoint of personnel drinking and
breathing: (uc= microcurie).



allowance shall apply.

Select target paragraph3