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aod ia the Susruencing water. due total Weatha s deca Ged CUTENIOE Oy Looe recess ertag
the period betweea 19 and 106 mumstes after Shak Urouseiia wees ony chess} pexeers
she tolal

dose received prior tw this time perks’, and bees toon 1gwas rcezived GoreAY Gee exbrequent
24 tours.
At +2 hoers, rediation reat:rs at Che sail ef the recovers tee, Gutng da morasch to the
DD-592 for saeaple recovery eixsccises, were 43 te 60 sar/br; wid at Tecan beere, caving on

2pproach fcr a seeend boarding, terSiege s8 vat vail ci en LCD were 20 ee. Fees various
Obvervations, ise 32i9 one im Gotoeswor few Saeietian vecrily siler Gelsatien iY
time beyond che pericd covered 7 azon aveimbia er cf everest: in tide rape)
The cone rate histories thrx7:banat tes el, whlle all geaereiiy sics{ine ecauee of the Gem

mance cl the exterior transienl radiclice souetca, bawe éxtifective clayacterisiics U4ick sepa-

rate them into two groups —— ingress sind ecegresy comgartinests. During the period between
major dose rate peaks at H+ 120 ta (3+ 145 aecoects, tae pulicy cad aller €:giue :ote dase roice
‘ are the highest abuard ship, reape tively 3.5 and 3 times the average weaihe7 Gack dee rates —
(Reference 18, compartovent to deck cote rate ratios), whereas the fireroem dose rates are
0.5 to 0.8 times the weather deck dove rates. Al late tines falter 2,000 succeds), te azhest
' dose rates ure feend ia the lower keve! of the forward (irecowm, after firercem, sed galley;
respectively: 2, 3.8, ar 1.5 tisces the veother deck dose rates. At these timer, the after

boiler 2ir e7stews and 8 radicactive eevase) 39 the aiar engine reom, weith ied bers exharstet
by ventilation airlog ct later tick
No dist:“tieeevidence a &$2 cute caxirnenes2eee te the fanteas ef omar ms tctg cam be
gor, ee tle lower leve! af i> fareure
engine rece, aa ranscresa Cheez
s a, chore wta beriheeee of @ edeRs tye. fo este
goer tevet The hgh doserueFite
an Litertor courre thet
bet ween the rm7
circulating wai
eadines Gat oS soocthice
3.1.2 Estimates of Some Cores ty +



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tt was cugg*sted tiata Sarret

“pesSaieard yanena
a0 hstorton

gad the base surge transit, Aly
vast data (Rafsrence 20) atavs the bine enty2 to
be torcidal in ofooe. Dovieg rei eer terucetite, the torokd expandet-radinby at Riva sgcod.
i eventual; reached 2 marion: daumctes, Aer which 1 was -stadbornas amt meved corvawisd She cownwind segment of the tase wage poveed the OS-~553 daring its initial expatica ond ie
presamed to cosiain tie prine(-2: radateva eouree of the magiaum dose rztes meazared
aboard the chip. The passage cf the mitially eteiiud acgrreet ef the base surge, driven downwind Ly the 20-luwst cerlace wai fodicwicg (52 Laiial bese #erge expansion, is presamed ts
contain the priccipal radiation reurce of Ye suisequent aod broader cose rate pak.
Several estimat+s of the transit tierce «4 the base ews os car be made, Based unm trisval
. Obtervaiion [rom a tug ut severc! macs freca Surface zero, the sample recurery party catimated that the 65-3¢2 was o«sulfed te the eae surge at He So seconds and hecoma visibiec
throvgh a haze at ii+6 minutes. Tar 35 second estimated time of start of caveliguivert
coincides with tle sppruazLnate (isos of toe first majos dase rate peak and the H+@ wicute time
ts tn tha middie of the subsequent Gese rate prak. Turzing again to P.oject 2.3 data (icterence
20), at H- 30 seconds the estimaicd speed of advance cf the. ase curge te oct 68 kexns (100
feet per cecond) and {he downwiul torejdal eectica of the base surge is roughir ectlimaied to be
1,200 {cet lrom outer edge to inner etee- Besed oa these estimates, the GT-592 would have
been caveloped for appromimaicly 12 sccoacs. This, a cotrse, assucoes the abserte cl ar
invisible acrosol ioNowing the trailb=t ede of the base surge.
A second estimate is availaNte fic-m Prowet 2.1 data (Reference $8). ff the bass mare is
considered a6 4 Semi-iofinite recatwe sourte ot tie instant of covelop mezd, an ialinite source”






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exgine room doce raics are but Lille iugher hes ia somlagress compargmsrcs.
* This evidence ts isleatlre cf toe rccance ef departed activity tn the guiley sod botiers or

Select target paragraph3