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duriyt cnvelopment, and a scmi-hduate sour eof Sesles @ ecu peiBen ot clequmecdt

thea the dose rates 2i the beginzing of ehvclepment and at emerpence wo:'d be hall of the peab

Gose rele if radictoyical decay Le climinntead. From the detaz-corr eck. © 4 ofthe wentioer

% average dose rales, tee limes af whick the cose rates are ia i. ewe olve are
029 and 4<35 seencds. Wa fourth of the sesk value were ued kncieud of « kell, accuming

that the souste wae suinething less than serci-nfinite, then the tivves: wordd be H+ 23 rad Bed

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‘base surge at $3) 4 24 and 14675 seconds, vespectively. This sogmuiz ws hg hued cavge Gas
greatly dispersed ani dlwedat this ime compared tc the dowsind scemest ot(Se time cl ita

passage over snd arsed ike PD-SS2.
Project 2.3 tad two types cf collsctors on the gum Girecter piavlorra cl the p-5:2, which yietded time-deperdert information (Refererce BD). Their incremental fallout ceilectors (30)
and 2ir f:lsration instrement (AF?) civained I-sinute aad 2-mimte iocremenal fumnles respe
ively. The Hel to He 2 mismte IC samples acd the 3 tn H+ 2 minite AFT sampie contained
.. More radiasctivity. than subsequent samples (3 correcied for decay to a commen time) by an
approximate factor of 39 for starboard iC, WS ier port IC, aad Bier ATL The H+2 micuie
AFI sample inciieed sea water In such quantny as would be delivered Ly a heavy vain. To review and sumumrize: if ts estimaied thai the GD-542 was envelored hy tbe bese cerge fometime between if 429 cr2d i] + 35 seconds and erserged {rom easelopasent xt about M+ 40 seronts.

Af 8439 seconds, tho base evece was moview at aa estimated speedct about 63 Lects, aad dart

‘o? Lamediatlely roseoqutct t2 the envelogiscal, Gere vs8 prolaity a heavy raison of gee ele
Falicut collections were consideraity crester daring tha caclod He Mtoe + saios than Geri

any equal subsequent Cinesported


AL’ about Ie ZhS sets. +, a cecord enceicy emet ta carved Leersee of Me mocov te ad The unwind sepmeat ot $ae tut caro. “This was entoberne and therelare muriag xf Wheepced of fee
ourface winds, cheatkecta. Ths enveluor: s. esdled ad abr t 4408 pecan ‘6, Fh2 eutlice
. Of the ehip was visite 2. about H+ dit se
% <a ‘acheation of thee dioprva nd ond eute raters
cl this segment af the lage surge ot. fs Or
K seein most ccobckle thar radia. -stive ALORS
wore drawn oy foreed bicegen vertitation
and builer air systeriis ic tue oreates! aecunts dering ar imcaediniely after gaseace of the vis-

thle base surge.







- $1.3 Air Savsse Pata, Results Crousth: Rerewerial sir caezicrs are preseated ts Tabte
3.0 as latzl activizg ovlo-clod tneath sampler aad the nercentans od this total vot wns leund be

the five stages cleach campier. The érfa-was corrected for decay {Preject 2.2 cecay exc)
from time cf coasting to N+ 10 calmutes for a common ene. The ictal alr saupl
data is presenied tn Table 3.2, decay-correcied on the same basis as te Incremental sample

data, and also ia terms cf fissions as dctermised aiter return to RNDL.

The activities of the total air saunpies and Gve scjacent incremertai sir camsies are syproxd

mately proportional to their fiow rates (10 to 5. in the crews quarterswhere they weve not
adjacent, the activity of the total air «ample U23ea in the center of the eeonpariment near the

exhuust terminal) waz equal to the average of the port and cturtoard increments! aly sample
activities (corrected fcr differences ia sampler fow raies).
The data {rois tie tecrementy air sampler shows that 93 to §9 percent of the activity samPled was associated with particles equal to or seas ian | micrca in size and herce readily
airborne and regpizatNe. The principal exccptsoa is the starboard side of the uptate space
where approxin.2tcly 15 percent of the activily "as associated with particles preater than &
tnicron in size.

inspection af Tatte 3.2 reveals thd starlcarc side ventilation intake and uptake space cellce
tlona were all greater Usin port side colletices: and that withia the galley the ongasite is true.
Cossiserations of aivStew effects due ty 3 20-koxt wind froro stariward lo pert und che tnitial
<sape of the Soy surge at 65 knots when broth concentrations of activity may Live bees





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