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. lesser risk than the ‘possibie loss of ail dua i7 casecs 4 Power orFrstarting circuit failure.

2.3PostrecoveryCiperations. Ciseectiag and constine cf anima tiocees was erermplished

in theEniwetuklarine Biological Laborc‘ery. ‘Fhe secrifice schedule to given is fable 2.2,
Courding of all ether collection wedia was accomplintc< in the project lnbnratory.





2.3.1 Bata Obtained: and Gata Available from Other Protects. Animal cata was obtained
during Shot Wahou. Animal data, CITR cata, incremental aly sampler data 33 a fuaciion af
several ranges of particle size, to1al_air sampler daca, and surface sampler data were oblalied during Slot Umbrella. All sample enUeetions were total collecticas nude over a period uf
time from some unkno-vntimeof arrival of radioactive matertal to. +2 hows. Many of the
surface sampies showed no activity above backgroond. Ne determination of particie size was
. possible, because the saltewater-reagunt film wasHeer due to ithe humid szit-atmosphere
aod high temperatures.

Additional data was avatlzile: ©






(1) Frosa Project 2.1 (Reference 19}: al GITR data threnztout the hig ard prsuma foniza-

” ton doeay data starting
2 W+€ minutes, cbteined on the GD-592 (Shot Urabrelia); sume OFCR
data for the lerwerd Uirercomsof ('.2 54-475 (Umbrella oniy) ond the UP- 503 (Waren ot! Umbreij2); and file badge dale frou te: Cheee 22 dpe bor Guth: choi. .
(2 From 2s-oiect22.4 (Refere..ce 3}: racioechomict.l anviysis ofa pp-s332 fallowt samote
for converting this project's total cir sume 2ta %y enalrricns {Isr tons, reduced phe: -grarks

* data of the Lase surge, awi data froza Liewemertal falraut colletiors amlas tie GEiersdine tactic

ment, which were Installed o2 Gc DNSI2.innowrent yj oaiferm above te i-rvard ga Caeser
‘generatty veferrid to 2: cirectar platform.

aeewetetintin scape pane- +


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Bostshot operations started at H+2 hoers, al which time the recovery party bourded the

ship and deactivoted the washdows systes. Piccovesy was camploted, the washdow. reactiveicd,
and personnel deharked by H+2 beurs end 45 misters. “lo pocket dasloster reacting waa trevier than 206 mar.




2.3.2 Reduction of GanumaJatensiiy-Time: Dra. Te reauction of 2k Gar.rave sta i inal
coriccied data was cccompiighsd by Projeci 2.) assinted by Project 5.2 perasancl ext is ceacribed in detail in Refcrence £8. The GITK magnetic tape pulse r eserdings were instSialky
-eanverted to dese or dose rate histories by mzane cf aa analog data reduction aprarcrtes sup~
plied and operated by Project 2.3 (eference 29). To obtuina more accurate reads curing

the periods of rapidly changing. radiation intensities, the BM-704 computer at the Exlwetok
Proving Ground (EPG) was utilized. Magnetic tape data pulses were eniered into the IBN-764 -

via an auxiliary special-purpose muignetic tape unit and gate chassis connected to tke computer.
Corrections fur calibration shifts, radiation souree peometries, detector ceometries lor various assumed gamma energies, and timirg corrections were calrulaied or eslimated and applied:
. totheraw data. The manually started GITR records hed to be tume-correlated with cata from
the radio-started GITR's. This was aecomplished by lining up times of those promizert curvo
features (evch.as maxima, and the like) that should have uccur fe) at the game time for all sta-

tiony aboard one ship.





On the DD-592, radiation intersitlea at exteriar locations were high enozgh to saturzte the
GITR detectors, resulling in gaps in the data. Au average weather ueck dose rate history for
this period was estimated by sormulizi:g data from appropriaj:Interior locations to aycr2ge
weather deck data in the time periods just prior to a4 after saturation. The onl; feterior statioa where saturation was encountered wis in the gaicy where the dose rates during the saturation {be.ween 27.9 and 21.7 seconds aftes sbct) were estimated ina similis fashion.



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Select target paragraph3